Micro Subway


RFID System RFS1000


The RFID system RFS1000 is a low cost highly effective system that can be used for access control. This system allows only the permitted individuals to enter a restricted area. The product is self-contained and is powered either by an AC line or a backup battery. It can easily connect to external device to extend the performance of the security features.


Here are the features of the RFS1000 system:


  1. Low cost and easy to operate.
  2. Passive RFID system with protected detection zone.
  3. Uses standard credit card size access transponders (tags).
  4. Tags can be rectangular or rounded – pocket size.
  5. AC line or backup battery operated.
  6. Custom features can be added upon request.
  7. Allows access for over 100 authorized individuals.
  8. Comes in variable number or tags – depends on your need.
  9. Easy to interface to wireless system or extended security features.
  10. Compact small size. If you need large or specific size let us know.
  11. Can connect to any lock or transducer of your choice.
  12. Battery-less pocket size transponder (tag.)


People have used this system to control access into protected area such offices, hospitals, houses, buildings, theater, and other…


If you need to implement features that you cant find in this system, embed more features or options, or any other design requirements then please email us and we will design the RFID system that best fits your need. Our design engineers and specialists are waiting to serve your needs.


Transponders are active tags so they don’t need a battery to operate. As long as you use them properly they will last for very long years to come. Access tags can be marked or a picture sticker or sticky labels can be placed on tags to identify their authorized holders. Tags are white in colors. Detection distance of up to 4 inches is attainable, for security purpose.


Interrogation (reader) Unit price:

1 to 10: $249.99

11 to 999: $174.99

1000+: $149.00


Transponder (tag) Unit price:

1 to 10: $4.99

11 to 999: $3.99

1000+: $2.99


Should you have any technical or non-technical inquiries then do not hesitate to contact us at: micro@microsubway.com

We are here to help you.



 Micro Subway




